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ヴァシロピタ Vasilopita


さて、ギリシャの正月はと言いますと、クリスマスの続きの祝日で、ツリーもそのまま1月7日まで飾られています。サンタクロース(St Vasilis)がやってくるのも1月1日なのです。

St Vasilis(アギオス ヴァシリス)とは昔ヴァシリスさんという裕福なギリシャ人が、貧しい家の子ども達にこの時期にプレゼントをしていた人のことだそうです。それもただあげるのではなく、ケーキの中にお金を入れ、それをプレゼントしていました。それ以来ギリシャ人にとってプレゼントをくれる人は、サンタクロースではなく、ヴァシリスさんなのです。



Greek New Year’s Day is the holiday that follows Christmas. Christmas tree decoration is usually kept until January 7. In Greece, “Santa Claus” comes on January 1.

Actually, for the Greek Orthodox Church the saint that brings presents to the kids in not St Nicolas but St Basil (Agios Vasilios).

In Capadoccia of the 4th century AD, there was a bishop named Vasilios, that came from a wealthy family. Vasilios made it his aim to give Christmas presents to as many poor kids as possible. He would make a big cake and hide inside all the donations he could gather. Then he would cut the cake and devide it among the poor families of the area. To honor his activity, Greek Orthodox church declared him a saint.

Vasilopita is the one of the most traditional foods for this period. Vasilopita is a quite simple cake, made with flour, eggs, sugar and almond, but it is a custom to put a coin inside the cake. Greek people believe that the person who will be given the piece containing the coin, will be lucky for the coming year.

As you can guess, the name and the tradition of this cake is derived from the good hearted bishop, Vasilios.

Happy new year!


2 Comments to “ヴァシロピタ Vasilopita”

  1. ドラミ says:




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