This cold soup with summer vegetables is originally from Spain and Portugal.
トマト 2個
きゅうり 1本
ピーマン 1個
玉ねぎ 1/2個
セロリ 3cmくらい
にんにく 1片
バゲット 30gくらい(濃度によって調節してください)
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
ワインヴィネガー 大さじ1
2 tomatoes
1 cucumber
1 green pepper
1/2 onion
3cm of celery
1 clove of garlic
30g of baguette
2 tablespoonfuls of olive oil
1 tablespoonful of wine vinegar
ices and salt
Only you have to do is that cut the all ingredients and blend them in a food processor! How much you need the baguette and ice is depends on the thickness of it.