Green perilla is in season now. Would you like to make your own dressing? It will definitely be greater than in the supermarket.
青じそ 50g
オリーブオイル 100ml
ワインヴィネガー又はお酢 30ml
塩 小さじ1
しょうゆ 大さじ1
こしょう 少々
50g of green perilla
1ooml of olive oil
30ml of wine vineger
1 teaspoonful of salt
1 tablespoonful of syoyu
black pepper
Only you have to do is that process all ingredients to a paste. Enjoy with salad, grilled fish, smoked salmon, toast with cheese…..
It goes well with fish and chicken dishes. A friend of mine, Ms. Y made a cheese toast with it, and she says it is a perfect collaboration!
Thanks Y san!!