Tomato stew or soup with seafood or meat, called Gumbo, is originally from Louisiana, U.S.A. Here, we use only vegetables and lots of olive oil, so let’s call it “Gumbo a la Greek”!
玉ねぎ 1個
にんじん 1/2本
じゃがいも 2個
なす 1本
セロリ 1/2本
オクラ 5~6本
にんにく 1片
完熟トマト 400g
オリーブオイル 1/2カップ
ローリエ 1枚 タイム少々 塩 こしょう
1 onion
1/2 carrot
2 potatoes
1 eggplant
1/2 celery
5~6 okuras
1 clove of garlic
400g ripe tomato
1/2 cup olive oil
1 bay leaf, thyme, salt and pepper
①Cut the all vegetables and fry them except okra with olive oil.
②Mix with tomato and seasonings, then boil it until it is ready to eat.
③Add the okra at the last 5 minuets. Turn off the fire and put some olive oil. Enjoy the hot tomato soup!