Many kinds of vegetables in the dish, so this is popular among young and old alike.
This time, I used tofu Béchamel and rice cake. I hope you like it!
材料3人分/Ingredient for 3 persons
ご飯 茶碗3杯(余っている冷や飯で十分です)
玉ねぎ 1/3個
赤ピーマン 1/4個
ブロッコリー 5〜6房(茹でて食べやすい大きさに切っておく)
もち 2切
ピザチーズ 150g
オリーブオイル 大さじ1
1/3 onion
1/4 red red paprika
5~6 florets of broccoli (boil and cut it into bite-size pieces)
2 pieces of rice cake
150g pizza cheese
1 tablespoonful olive oil
豆腐ベシャメル/Tofu Bechamel
Please see the recipe of Tofu Bechamel.
①Onion and red paprika are coarsely-chopped, and fry them with olive oil.
②Mix and fry with rice.
③When rices are coated with the oil, put broccoli, salt and pepper.
④Let’s make Tofu Bechamel.
⑤Layer rice, tofu bechamel, 1 cm square rice cake and pizza cheese on a gratin dish, and then bake it until bubbling and golden on the top.
※Take a look a fridge before you cook, any vegetables such as green pepper, carrot or mushrooms are also good with this meal.
I’m vegetarian, so tofu Béchamel and rice gratin are just wonderful.
I like your recent post.
Dear Steve,
Thanks for your comment.
I also prefer vegetables. So I try to make my own Greek recipe using Japanese ingredients.
I’m very glad you like it.