You can pickle cumbers as well as peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, or any other vegetables.
きゅうり 3本
ワインビネガー 1カップ
水 1カップ
にんにく 2片
砂糖 大2
塩 大1
ローリエ 3〜4枚
ブラックペッパー 30粒
コリアンダー 30粒
鷹の爪 2本、種を取り除く
3 cucumbers
1 cup or wine vineger
1 cup of water
2 gloves of garlic
3 tablespoonfuls of suger
1 tablespoonful of salt
3~4 bay leaves
30 of whole black pepper and cilantro seed
2 of red pepper, remove the seeds
①Rub a cucumber with salt and leave it for 10 minuets. Then wash and dry it with a pepper towel.
②Put all ingredients in a pot, and cook down the sauce for 5 minuets.
③When it gets cold, remove it from a pan to a suitable container. You can eat after a half of a day!