◯きのことディルのスパゲティ・・・ギリシャ人も大好きなスパゲティの登場です。今回はPorco Bacioさんから仕入れた本場イタリアのスパゲティと、しめじ、しいたけ、まいたけ、エリンギとディルを合わせました。
The menu in the October 9 at matoca.
◯Macaronia me manitaria・・・This is a spaghetti with dill and mushrooms. The flavor of olive oil and herbs stimulates your appetite!
◯Shrimp and green with cheese・・・Great combination shrimp with green. This time, Komatsuna, Japanese leaf vegetables, are used in it, but spinach goes well together.
◯Salad・・・Organic salad with home-made Greek dressing.
◯Pumpkin with olive oil・・・This organic and fresh pumpkin is grown and gathered by our children at the field of after school club.
◯Burdock root soup・・・Wonderful flavor of burdock root is cooked with potato and soy milk. Enjoy hot soup!