Rake up and mix with any vegetables, cheese, canning……in a fridge and shelf. This is our routine meal before a pay day!
細切り大根 &にんじん&レタス&玉ねぎ Sliced radish, carrots, lettuce and onion
にんじんの葉&セロリ Leaves of carrots and celery
炒めたにんにく5片 5 cloves of fried garlic
アンチョビ&ツナ(缶詰) Anchovy and tuna canning
ドライトマト Dry tomatoes
オリーブの実 Olives
ドレッシングは塩、こしょう、オリーブオイル、レモン汁 Olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper for dressing