サフランはめしべだけを乾燥させたもので、ひとつの花からほんのわずかしか採れず、とても貴重な香辛料です。学名はCrocus sativus、といい、語源はギリシャ語のcroke(糸)からきています。その名の通り、糸みたいに細〜いですね。
Saffron is very valued spice from the flower of Crocus sativus, which is responsible for croke, means string in Greek.
It is said that saffron is potent against a circulation of blood, metabolism and body system for women.
In the ancient Greece, saffron was scarcity and very expensive, so it might have been allowed to use only for Royal family…
In this picture, that organic saffron is from Kozani, North Greek.